Earendel, Klonan, Twinsen

Earendel, Klonan, Twinsen

12 Jul

Welcome to our facts for the week.

Sign posts or bulletin boards are a common sight in videos games, probably not far behind the ubiquitous wooden crate or explosive barrel. They are a nice clean understandable way to communicate with the player, and it was something we wanted to see in Factorio for a long time...

Display Panel - DesignEarendel

The full functionality of the new display entity will be fully explained further below. For the design, all we need to know is that it is an entity that can display any icon of your choice (item, recipe, virtual signal).

The first version I saw was a signpost added by Klonan. It was a nice placeholder, and the general concept of the display entity as a signpost was something to consider. In theory a signpost could work, but there are a few detracting factors:

  1. A signpost is primarily a 2D structure, and by that I mean it is tall and flat but doesn't...
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